This document serves as the Code of Conduct for Accuratech ApS, henceforth referred to as the Code of Conduct. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to outline how Accuratech ApS operates concerning human and labor rights, environmental stewardship, business ethics, and anti-corruption.

Accuratech ApS conducts its business responsibly and is committed to contributing to sustainable development while maintaining and enhancing our high level of integrity and credibility. We adhere to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact concerning human rights, labor rights, the environment, and anti-corruption. Based on these principles, we have formulated a Code of Conduct, which serves as an internal rule set for ethical behavior at Accuratech ApS.

Our Code of Conduct establishes standards that all employees at Accuratech ApS must follow. It clearly defines our expectations of employees and persons acting on behalf of Accuratech ApS, including board members and leaders (broadly referred to as employees). Throughout this document, the terms “Accuratech ApS” and “we” imply that the obligations and expectations apply to Accuratech ApS as a company and all employees, leaders, board members, and others acting on its behalf, such as agents, consultants, and business partners.

Should an employee at Accuratech ApS be uncertain about the appropriate course of action in a specific situation, they should consult with their immediate supervisor. Employees are also encouraged to respond immediately if they find themselves in a situation that contradicts this Code of Conduct. Reporting violations can be done through the following channels:

  • Inform the immediate supervisor.
  • Inform the CEO.

Accuratech ApS does not tolerate retaliation against an employee who reports violations of the Code of Conduct.


1: Compliance with Legislation

In addition to this Code of Conduct, we expect our employees to comply with all applicable international, national, and local laws and regulations. If local legislation imposes higher standards than this Code of Conduct, local laws shall prevail.


2: Human Rights

Accuratech ApS respects human and labor rights, anchored in and communicated through international human rights laws. We are committed to avoiding any infringement of human and labor rights and to addressing and mitigating any adverse impacts that Accuratech ApS may be involved in.

Accuratech ApS respects the privacy of employees and customers. We handle personal data cautiously and in compliance with relevant legislation.

Accuratech ApS does not discriminate against customers or others in our value chain based on race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other convictions, age, disability, nationality, social or ethnic origin, financial status, sexual orientation, ancestry, or other status recognized by international law.

Local Community Impact
Accuratech ApS assesses and addresses the impact of our activities on human rights within the communities we operate in.

Country Risk
Accuratech ApS takes necessary precautions to avoid involvement in human rights violations in the countries where we operate.

Work Environment
Accuratech ApS ensures a safe and healthy work environment by taking responsibility for employee health and safety, providing training, assessing risks, and implementing appropriate workplace and safety management systems.

Wages, Compensation, Absence, and Leave
Accuratech ApS pays wages and compensations that ensure employees can maintain a reasonable standard of living and comply with minimum wage laws and regulations. We pay in legal tender and disburse salaries at least once a month. Employees are entitled to sick leave and maternity leave in accordance with local law.

Working Hours
Accuratech ApS respects that the allowable number of working hours on a regular basis should not exceed 48 hours per week with a ceiling of 60 hours, including overtime. Overtime should be planned in a way that ensures safe and humane working conditions. Employees may work more than 60 hours if it is voluntary and permitted by local law. The number of consecutive workdays should comply with local legislation, and employees should always have at least one day off per week.

Coercion and Disciplinary Measures
Accuratech ApS does not use or tolerate physical punishment, threats of violence, or any other forms of physical or psychological coercion or abuse.

Freedom of Expression
Accuratech ApS does not use retaliation to prevent employees from expressing dissatisfaction with their work conditions in an open and loyal manner. Employees can report any violations of the Code of Conduct without fear of retaliation.

Position on Purchasing Sexual Services and Child Pornography
Accuratech ApS distances itself from the purchase of sexual services, sexual exploitation of children, and child pornography. Such actions can support human trafficking, which is a violation of human rights. Employees of Accuratech on assignment or business travel are expected to respect and comply with this stance during and outside of working hours.


3.Labor Rights
Child Labor
Accuratech ApS does not engage in child labor, either directly or indirectly. As a rule, children should not work before they have reached the age of compulsory schooling and the minimum age for full-time employment, which is 15 years (or 14 years where local law permits). Employees under 18 years old must not perform dangerous work or work during the night, regardless of the number of hours worked. The minimum age for light work/part-time work (work that does not interfere with a child’s education) is 13 years (or 12 years where local law allows). For all types of work, we strive to define tasks, working hours, and workloads with special consideration for the young age of the employee.

Forced Labor and Freedom of Movement
Accuratech ApS does not use or tolerate forced or compulsory labor, either directly or indirectly. Forced or compulsory labor is defined as any work or service exacted from a person under the threat of penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily. Employees must have the right to freedom of movement in relation to their employment. We do not retain employees’ personal documents, work permits, or wages. We provide employees with a confirmation of their employment terms in accordance with local law.

Accuratech ApS does not discriminate in hiring or during employment based on race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other convictions, age, disability, nationality, social or ethnic origin, financial status, sexual orientation, ancestry, or other status—either directly or indirectly. We offer equal opportunities to all individuals and actively strive to achieve a workplace and corporate culture free from discrimination and harassment. Accuratech ApS has a zero-tolerance policy toward sexual harassment and all other forms of harassment.

Accuratech ApS does not require employees to undergo mandatory HIV or AIDS testing.

Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
Accuratech ApS does not interfere with or prevent employees’ right to join a union or their right to collective bargaining.

In situations or countries where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted by law, we recognize that employees must have an alternative means to enjoy freedom of association and collective bargaining.


Environmental Management System
Accuratech ApS complies with all legislation regarding environmental protection. We strive to use environmental management systems to:

  • Reduce waste and emissions to air, soil, and water.
  • Handle chemicals in an environmentally safe manner.
  • Manage, store, and dispose of hazardous waste in an environmentally sound way.
  • Contribute to the recycling and reuse of materials and products.
  • Implement environmentally friendly technologies. Product Safety Products developed by Accuratech ApS must comply with all legislation and regulations concerning product liability.


5.Business Ethics and Anti-corruption
Accuratech ApS demonstrates honesty and integrity in interactions with colleagues, authorities, customers, suppliers, partners, organizations, and other business contacts.

Accuratech ApS has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption. We do not offer, promise, or give any form of bribe to exert undue influence on public officials, judges, or business contacts. We also refrain from receiving or accepting any form of bribe.

Corruption is defined as the abuse of position and/or trust for personal or company benefit, e.g., through bribery. Bribery can take the form of services and gifts, which, unlike commonly accepted business and local custom, are of unreasonably high and unusual value, as well as cash, securities, and other personal payments. Our zero tolerance also applies to so-called “facilitation payments” or “grease,” which may be the payment of a small sum of money to a public person or authority to expedite the handling of a routine matter (e.g., issuing a permit or a visa).

Our stance on corruption does not prevent us from nurturing and promoting good business relationships with customers and other partners, if any exchanged benefits are moderate, exchanged openly, and otherwise in accordance with this Code of Conduct.

Accuratech ApS supports and wishes to promote fair competition. Therefore, we comply with all relevant competition laws and refrain from entering into unlawful competition-restricting agreements and from exchanging unlawful price and/or market information with competitors.


6.Conflict of Interest
Employees of Accuratech ApS must always act in the best interest of Accuratech ApS and avoid any actions that could be perceived as favoring stakeholders at the expense of Accuratech ApS.

Employees must avoid all forms of activities that conflict with the company’s interests or negatively impact the employee’s judgment and integrity. Interests such as ownership, board positions, etc., in competing companies or companies with significant business relations to Accuratech ApS must at a minimum be approved by Accuratech ApS’ management (CEO).

Agreements, including those regarding employment, purchasing of goods and services, must always be entered into with transparency and in the best interest of Accuratech ApS. Considerations for avoiding agreements based solely on favoring close relations and/or family members must be made. Transparency and approval from the immediate supervisor are mandatory in situations involving agreements with close relations and/or family members.

Accuratech ApS does not take a political stance, and we do not support political campaigns or other political purposes.


At Accuratech ApS, we protect confidential business information regarding our goods and data. Confidentiality is maintained both during an employee’s tenure and after their departure. We respect others’ intellectual property rights and confidential information.


8.Violations and Sanctions
Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary actions, including termination. In cases where a breach of the Code of Conduct is also a legal offense, it may lead to legal action against the employee.

Our employees’ safety is a non-negotiable concern. No employee under any circumstances may put themselves at risk, therefore breaches of the Code of Conduct in emergency situations are accepted.

Accuratech ApS’ Code of Conduct is published in Danish. In case of linguistic discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail.