Varde Laks employs 45 people at the company, which is currently being expanded with new storage facilities close by. 99 percent of the fish that is received is salmon farmed in Norway. The salmon are delivered by truck in flamingo boxes packed with ice and five or six fresh salmon in each box. In the high season, it is about 200 tonnes per week. The majority (70-75 percent) is filleted, smoked, sliced, vacuum packed and sold for export (90 percent). The largest customer group is hotel and restaurant chains in Europe. Performance, traceability and system integration to Business Central for ERP is crucial for success.
Varde Laks is an ideal partner for Accuratech due to their high-quality standards and efficient production, supported by modern technological solutions. Their focus on innovation and traceability makes them a reliable partner.



ScanPlant software project management to ensure:

  • Receiving of raw material
  • Inventory control
  • Batch & lot control
  • Process control
  • Full Traceability
    • ALL goods received including packaging
  • Packing, weighing & labelling
  • Order picking
  • Palletizing
  • Dispatch



  • Data integration:
    • Scales
    • Label Printers
    • Business Central for ERP

“With the overview we have gained over the various processes, we save at least two- or three-people’s work in the office. In addition, we have minimized our waste, so we have clearly become more profitable”


  • ScanPlant for receiving of raw materials
  • Reduced man hours by 16 H/PD
  • Increased yield control
  • Reduced giveaway in packing
  • Reduced rework/customer returns
  • Realised gains from stock control
  • Valuable data regarding their IFS certification

    René Kjær
    Business Development Director

    Mobil: +45 40 85 85 60
    [email protected]
    Stuart Mc Bride
    Sales Director

    Mobil: +45 4048 4800
    [email protected]